The Paul's Boutique from Speedy Romeo might just be the best pizza in NYC thanks to a very special crust and ingredient from Katz's Deli.
By Linnea Zielinski, Metro
There are a couple foods that are as quintessential New York as subway delays and all-black ensembles: bagels, pizza and basically anything from Katz’s Delicatessen. Now you can sink your teeth into a slice of pizza that aims to capture three of them at once, and if it doesn’t quite hit the goal of best pizza in NYC, it’s definitely the most epic slice in the city.
It’s pretty obvious by now that we’re not talking about dollar slice, another beast entirely. If you haven’t yet had the pleasure of hitting Speedy Romeo, the restaurant that pumps out what’s quite possibly the best pizza in NYC, it boasts two locations: Brooklyn and the Lower East Side. Make a reservation and call your friends to come fix that with you, stat.
Is the Paul’s Boutique from Speedy Romeo the best pizza in NYC?
Allow us to introduce you and your taste buds to the Paul’s Boutique pie from Speedy Romeo. Have a napkin handy for the drool-inducing description. This pizza nestles Katz's pastrami, dijon bèchamel, smoked red kraut and fontina onto an everything bagel crust and tops it with 1000 island dressing.
And just look at that picture. They’re not giving you
skimpy servings of Katz’s pastrami, either. You will have to go to their
Lower East Side location, though, if you want to dig into a Paul’s
Boutique beauty for yourself, which makes sense Katz’s is nearby. In
fact, despite the stroke of inspiration to pile the New York deli
classic on top of his pizzas, chef-owner Justin Bazdarich had to pitch
it to the New York institution to win them over. He had to serve them
the perfect pie that he had in mind, Delish reports. They approved it on the first try, yet another indication that this might just be the best pizza in NYC.
They might have competition soon, though, for the title of
best pizza in NYC (at least in the category of pies featuring deli
favorites). Nantucket’s beloved Oath pizza is opening an Upper East Side location and, as InsideHook reports, they’re tricking out their menu with a Reuben pizza.
Where can you get the Paul’s Boutique from Speedy Romeo?
As mentioned, you’ll have to hit up their location on the
Lower East Side instead of their Brooklyn outpost to dig into this
insane dish. Is it the best pizza in NYC? Order up a pie, take a big
bite and decide for yourself.